乐博彩票官方app与英国有着长期的贸易关系. 在英格兰, 苏格兰, 威尔士和北爱尔兰, 大约1,200家乐博彩票官方app和与乐博彩票官方app有关的公司在这里设立了办事处, 还有更多的企业从乐博彩票官方app向英国出口产品.


The UK has a plethora of industries and a healthy climate for start-ups to grow a successful business. With the City of 伦敦, it is also home to one of the largest financial centres in the world. There are not only lots of opportunities for Swedish companies to do business, 但英国也可以作为国际扩张的垫脚石, 尤其是在乐博彩票官方app公司能够真正发挥作用的领域. 这些领域的例子是能源和清洁技术, 医疗保健和生命科学, 消费品及零售业, 基础设施和信息通信技术.


Swedish businesses see the UK as a good reference market for activities elsewhere in the world. 但是你可以在我们对Trade的采访中读到 & 投资专员古斯塔夫Bergström, 未来还有潜在的挑战, with the uncertainties connected to Brexit threatening the smooth business climate.


Business 乐博彩票官方app has been present in 伦敦 since 1973 and has established a strong network in both the business world and government services. In our 伦敦 office, we also offer strategic advice and operational support in the 爱尔兰共和国.

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The UK has always been a strong trading partner for 乐博彩票官方app and the geographical proximity, large market size and low entry barriers have encouraged many businesses to establish an office in the UK. 乐博彩票官方app作为一个国家在英国有着稳固的品牌声誉. Swedish companies see the UK as a market for benchmarking their activities against those of other companies in a multinational and competitive environment. Often the country is seen as a springboard for doing business in other parts of the world. 多亏了大量的风险投资家, 家族办公室和商业天使, 伦敦也是寻找投资者的公司的主要中心.


英国通常被认为是一个很容易做生意的地方. 然而, there is currently some uncertainty regarding the potential effects of Brexit, 英国退出欧盟. We proactively monitor the development and help companies to prepare their business for different scenarios. 英国也是一个竞争相对激烈的乐博彩票官方app, 所以你可能要花很长时间才能完成第一笔交易.


在英国, 组织通常有更分层的结构, and Brits are usually not as direct as we are in 乐博彩票官方app during business meetings. 在英国,商业文化受到人际网络的强烈推动. Maintaining sustainable relationships with your stakeholders will help you in the long run. 因此, 作为长期战略, focus on creating relevant contacts and regularly follow up after meetings with business associates.

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